1.   General description
The GreenChip III is the third generation of green Switched Mode Power Supply (SMPS)
controller ICs. The TEA1750 combines a controller for Power Factor Correction (PFC) and
a yback controller. Its high level of integration allows the design of a cost-effective power
supply with a very low number of external components.
The special built-in green functions provide high efciency at all power levels. This applies
to quasi-resonant operation at high power levels, quasi-resonant operation with valley
skipping, as well as to reduced frequency operation at lower power levels. At low power
levels, the PFC switches over to burst mode control to maintain high efciency. In burst
mode, soft-start and soft-stop functions are added to eliminate audible noise.
During low power conditions, the yback controller switches to frequency reduction mode
and limits the peak current to 25 % of its maximum value. This will ensure high efciency
at low power and good standby power performance while minimizing audible noise from
the transformer.
The proprietary high voltage BCD800 process makes direct start-up possible from the
rectied universal mains voltage in an effective and green way. A second low voltage
Silicon On Insulator (SOI) IC is used for accurate, high speed protection functions and
The TEA1750 enables highly efcient and reliable supplies with power requirements up to
250 W, to be designed easily and with the minimum number of external components.
2.   Features
2.1  Distinctive features
I Integrated PFC and yback controller
I  Universal mains supply operation (70 V AC to 276 VAC)
I  High level of integration, resulting in a very low external component count and a
cost-effective design
2.2  Green features
I  On-chip start-up current source
2.3  PFC green features
I  Valley/zero voltage switching for minimum switching losses (patented)
I  Frequency limitation to reduce switching losses
I  Burst mode operation if a low load is detected at the yback output (patented)
GreenChip III SMPS control IC
Rev. 02 15 December 2008
Product data sheet